Geopolitical Analysis

The policies of oil producing nations are not the outcome of arbitrary strategies but rather, the coherent articulation of priorities that can be predicted.

The political climate of the Middle East and all other OPEC nations has a direct impact on global oil supply levels and oil market perceptions. As regional confrontations and tensions rise and subside, their translation into the oil market can be both immediate and dramatic. Oil related matters are a central feature of the political landscapes of these nations. And politics has always been an integral facet of the oil industry.


We analyze the domestic, regional, and international factors that influence oil producing nations’ policies.

We track key indicators of events that evolve into international developments.

We provide competitive insights through an early awareness of shifting trends.

"We empower our clients to manage the geopolitical risk associated with the oil industry"

Husseini Energy L.L.C. is a wholly owned subsidiary of AlHusseini Capital Ltd

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